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by George Dunlop Leslie (1835-1921)

This unpretentious little girl is painted here in a momentary snapshot of time- just offering a quick glance to an appreciative audience before returning to her task.

Although it is written that she was only eight at the time, perhaps she's a little younger? While standing on a chair in the nursery doing her chores, her mind will be thinking of many other enjoyable things to wash next. So it may not be very long before she is scampering away, possibly looking for her dolls to undress.
Then in a flash, being distracted again, off will come the apron - adding a small heap on the floor to the trail of many other discarded items, each forgotten about so quickly. Now it is time to prepare tea for her unsuspecting and unclad admirers - except Teddy of course who's only piece of clothing is a bright red silk ribbon.

What a wonderful life it is! Without cares and responsibilities would anybody really want to grow up? Nanny will be along sometime to inspect the anticipated mess. She will even try to coax our little maiden into putting things back where they belong. Even Nanny knows that clearing up too quickly means that the whole of her life would be spent on this never ending task.

And the chatter that will accompany each activity will be ceaseless. If we could anticipate the monologue, it is more than likely that her instructions would be coming forth about table-manners and sitting-up-straight! Each doll will receive a detailed order - and quite naturally behave itself accordingly.
I'm quite sure we would all love to be the proverbial fly on the wall for a little while longer!

George Dunlop Leslie followed his father's footsteps becoming a professional artist (Charles Robt. 1794 -1859). In addition to studying under his accomplished father, he also attended the R.A. schools and exhibited at the R..A. when he was 22. He painted landscapes and genre, following a brief period of Pre-Raphaelism. He also painted many views of the Thames. For a time he lived in St. John's Wood and was a member of the Clique before moving away to Berkshire. His brother, Robert C. also became a noted artist who specialised in marine paintings.

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Stephen Selby 2001
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